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A Guide to Veterinary Services

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Treat your pet like you would your child. He or she needs to be fed healthy foods, cleaned/bathed regularly, provided with a clean and comfortable shelter and also medical services. These medical services are what comprise veterinary services. Here’s what you need to know about veterinary services: Choosing A Vet Always ensure that the vet you choose specialises in the kind of pet you have; this guarantees quality veterinary services and the correct treatment. Read More»

Why It's Often Advised to Take Your Pet to a Professional Groomer

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A responsible pet owner might assume that they can groom and bathe their own pet if they invest in the right tools and have a calm pet that doesn’t squirm and scratch or try to get away. However, even if you think you can manage pet grooming on your own, there are some very good reasons to always take your pet to a professional and let him or her perform any grooming and bathing that needs to be done. Read More»

Seeking the Perfect Home Away From Home: 3 Features to Look for in Cat Boarding Facilities for Cats with Osteoarthritis

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Old age arthritis is a very common health condition that plagues over 90% of cats that are over the age of 12 although many cats are adept at hiding their pain and discomfort. If you’ve noticed that your cat has become slow or if your cat has already been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, they require additional care and attention. You shouldn’t leave them at home or only have a cat sitter come by every so often when you’re off on vacation. Read More»

Pet Emergencies: Water Safety Tips for Your Dog

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When it comes to pet care, it is not simply about ensuring your pet has the right nutrition and has gotten all their shots. It is about ensuring that they are safe at all times whether they are sick or out playing. A favourite pastime for pets, especially dogs, is frolicking in water. This is well and good but you have to take measures that they are safe while having fun in the water. Read More»

Sinusitis In Dogs Explained

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Sinusitis can occur when your dog’s nasal passages become inflamed and mucus isn’t able to drain freely. When mucus gets clogged in your dog’s sinus cavities, the environment becomes favourable to bacteria and they can multiply and cause infection. Sinusitis has a number of causes, including the presence of parasites or fungus and respiratory viruses. The development of abnormal tissue growth, such as a tumour, can trigger inflammation as your dog’s white blood cells attack the abnormal tissue. Read More»